- September 19th & 20th 2024: Mr. de Gunzburg will discuss the absolute and relative value of infrastructure debt versus private credit and equity infrastructure at the Global Infrastructure Dialogue conference in Frankfurt with Legal and General Vantage Infrastructure and Private Debt Prime Capital.
- March 21 2024: Mr. de Gunzburg will speak at a panel of the Infra Debt Forum at the Infrastructure Investor Global Summit in Berlin on March 21st 2024.

- September 27 & 28 2023: Mr. de Gunzburg will be moderating the panel “Infrastructure debt: Providing long-term stable returns and cash-flows” at the SuperReturn Global Infrastructure conference in London”.

- May 23 2023: Mr. de Gunzburg is invited to speak at LPGP Connect’s 9th Annual Private Debt Conference in New York which panel will address the “Coming of Age: Private Credit’s Transition into a Mature Asset Class”.

- January 2023: It is with great sadness that Ambassador Lowenstein, our Senior Advisor and friend has passed away at the age of 96. Having been a star tennis player until the age of 94, we will miss his support, vision, drive, discretion, dynamism, kindess. We acknowledge his loyalty and service to the US as well as to all the causes he supported such as the French-American Foundation. We look up to Jimmy as an iconic gentleman that fought for the greater good, and thank him for everything he did for all of us. Our thoughts and prayers go to his daughter, son, partner, family and friends.
- Dec 13 2022: Mr. de Gunzburg will be hosted by Private Equity Wire and Hedgeweek to speak at the « Credit Innovation US Summit» in New York.

- Dec 7-9 2022: Opal invited Mr. de Gunzburg to speak about infrastructure private debt at the « Innovations in Lending, Alternative Financing, Fintech and Private Credit Summit ».

- May 24 & 25 2022: Mr. de Gunzburg will participate to Proximo Infrastructure’s 2022 conference on “Financing America’s Infrastructure” where he will discuss “The Sources of Capital” (Proximo Financing America’s Infrastructure 2022 – Proximo). Mr. de Gunzburg’s panel includes the World leading infrastructure private debt providers such as Metlife, Allianz and Cigna.

- May 5 2022: Mr. de Gunzburg will speak at the Private Credit US Leadership Summit at the University Club in New York city hosted by Private Equity Wire and Hedgeweek (Private Credit US Leadership Summit – Hosted by Private Equity Wire & Hedgeweek)

- April 26 2022: Mr. de Gunzburg participates to the 7th Annual LPGP’ Connect Private Debt Chicago panel on “The Quest for Alpha in Private Credit Strategies” (7th Annual Private Debt Chicago – LPGP Connect)

- November 15 2021: President Biden signs the second bipartisan infrastructure bill into law of US$ 1,2 trillion
- August 11 2021: Mr de Gunzburg participates to the ESG panel from CFA CA’s conference
- August 9 2021: President Biden bipartisan’s US$ 550 billion infrastructure bill is voted
- May 5-12 2021: Ceres sponsors and Mr de Gunzburg participates to the infrastructure private debt panel at Proximo infra’s « Financing America’s Infrastructure 2021 conference » with insurance companies Prudential, Allianz and Spanish operator ACS Infrastructure

- May 5-11 2021
- January 27-28 2021 : Mr de Gunzburg participates as moderator to the ESG Investments Panel at Opal’s Global ABS & Structure Finance Summit.

- December 2-3 2020 : Mr de Gunzburg participates to the Debt Panel with GIP, Blackrock and IFM at the Infrastructure Investor New York Summit.